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Adding PPE Inspections to Daily Safety Observations

Adding PPE Inspections to Daily Safety Observations

Written By: Randy Gieseking Personal protective equipment (PPE) is considered the last line of defense against occupational safety and health hazards; however, it is still an essential aspect of a safety program. And because PPE can’t provide the right level of...

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The Importance of Establishing a Safe Work Culture

The Importance of Establishing a Safe Work Culture

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), work-related medically consulted injuries totaled 4.26 million in 2021. June is National Safety Month, and preventable injuries — or accidents — are the fourth leading cause of U.S. deaths. The top causes of workplace...

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How to De-escalate Disputes Between Workers

How to De-escalate Disputes Between Workers

Written By: Mark Steinhofer Whenever groups of people are together, conflict is inevitable. It isn’t that people are fundamentally angry or looking to pick a fight — the root of conflict is in the differences between us. Each of us has different goals and...

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The Greatest Spectacle in Safety

The Greatest Spectacle in Safety

The SMG team believes in building lasting relationships. Safety management is all about maintaining this kind of longevity — keeping people and businesses thriving in trusted hands. One of the ways we strengthen our bonds on a yearly basis is by inviting our...

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Inside Our Insights Team

Inside Our Insights Team

Safety Management Group’s Insights department isn’t a team that just walks through a jobsite or gives a presentation and then leaves you to fend for yourself. It serves as your company’s safety net for the long haul, growing stronger and more supportive as your...

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Sustainable Practices in the Workplace

Sustainable Practices in the Workplace

Every April, the world comes together to celebrate Earth Day, an opportunity to call attention to our fragile planet and the role sustainable strategies can play in preserving it for generations to come. You might not immediately think of workplace safety as an...

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Minimizing Distractions While Driving

Minimizing Distractions While Driving

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. While most people associate distracted driving with the use of our smartphones, there are many other things that can remove our focus from the road — even for a few seconds. For example, trying to reset your car’s...

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Working safely in and around storage tanks

Working safely in and around storage tanks

Storage tanks of a variety of shapes and sizes can be found in all sorts of industries. While we typically associate storage tanks with refineries and other petrochemical-related facilities, you’ll see them at nearly every type of production facility. They may hold...

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Respect the Power of Power Lines

Respect the Power of Power Lines

It doesn’t matter whether you work in an urban, suburban, or rural setting. Look around, and you’ll see that electric power transmission lines are a familiar part of the landscape. From the wood poles that deliver service local customers, to the giant towers carrying...

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4 Steps to Spill Response

4 Steps to Spill Response

Like fire, chemicals are very useful for a broad variety of functions. But just like fire, many chemicals are inherently hazardous or even deadly when they’re not used in a properly controlled manner, or when accidents occur. That’s an important fact to remember,...

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The Dangers from Above

The Dangers from Above

When you look at OSHA’s most recent list of the top ten most frequently cited violations, three of the ten (and two of the top three) have something in common: they involve injuries related to overhead work. Specifically, the #1 violation involves fall protection, #3...

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Drywall: a Familiar Product with Hidden Hazards

Drywall: a Familiar Product with Hidden Hazards

Drywall is a simple product that revolutionized interior construction by eliminating the extra time and craftsmanship required for traditional lath-and-plaster walls and ceilings. Today, nearly all commercially available drywall is made of gypsum plaster with a paper...

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Spotters: A Critical Element of Site Safety

Spotters: A Critical Element of Site Safety

By Jordan Hollingsworth, CHST, CSP, CUSP Lead Advisor Reprinted from Incident Prevention Magazine (link) Many OSHA regulations call for someone on the job site to make sure that people, equipment and the site don’t come together in the wrong way. Generally known as a...

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Five Simple Steps for Compressed Gas Safety

Five Simple Steps for Compressed Gas Safety

By Safety Management Group It was only a small propane tank, similar to those used on construction sites and in industrial locations. The propane was supposed to be supplying a small heater, but much of it was actually escaping through a leaky valve. The gas ignited,...

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What is the PEL and How Does it Work?

What is the PEL and How Does it Work?

By Safety Management Group Workers in many industries perform their tasks with and around a wide variety of chemicals. Each of those chemicals may pose some level of danger to the workers’ well-being, depending upon how closely and how long they come in contact. But...

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Safety Challenges of Communications Towers

By Safety Management Group If it seems as though towers are sprouting out of nearby fields, industrial parks, and neighborhoods with increasing frequency, it’s not your imagination. Communications companies and others have been scrambling to keep up with the...

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Safety Management Group (SMG) was formed in 1991 as a safety services provider for an Indianapolis-based insurance broker. We soon developed a comprehensive Contractor Safety Management Process (CSMP) for a global pharmaceutical company and used it to manage contractor safety for the Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) at our client’s five Indiana plant sites. Decades later, we continue to support their program.